SPE URANUS - this is a team of professionals United by one goal, one principles and a common task. Our team has all the capabilities and sufficient potential to perform tasks of any complexity in the field of Research, Development, Design, Design work, technology Transfer and Technology broker services.
From the very beginning, the project team should include more than just the research team. If a real enterprise agrees to be a partner in a technological project, it must understand how it will produce this product. This means that specialists in the organization of production, logistics, and marketing should be involved. In all this, businesses understand more than researchers. And the extent to which employees of the production partner are involved in the project — or how much they are planned to be involved — often shows the prospects for the project. There are examples of a very good symbiosis when employees of the production partner are already part of the project team at the start Of course, experts assess whether this project is necessary for the regional or international market, whether science offers a valuable technology. But the balance of the team allows you to evaluate the project from the point of view of its integrity.

research, development and implementation of new technologies and standards ©2022 SPE Uranus