IIOT – Industrial Internet of Things
IIoT (Industrial Internet of things) is a section of the Internet of things that includes a network consisting of physical devices (sensors, sensors, controllers, etc.) for performing specific tasks in production: factories, factories, offices, and commercial premises. The idea of exchanging information between industrial devices is not new and was implemented many years ago. However, these industrial systems are closed and only communicate with devices that are on the same network and use the same protocols and architecture. IIoT takes the interaction between machines to a new level because it provides a system and standards for universal IP interconnection (Internet Protocol), regardless of the type of device performing the exchange.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) is characterized by taking into account industry or corporate specifics and combining production facilities into a single network. the Industrial Internet of things is a B2B direction. the Digital industry requires high-performance communication networks. The objective is to reduce delivery times, minimize downtime, increase efficiency and efficiency of use, and increase flexibility for individual and sustainable production. the Necessary data flows and IIoT require infrastructure that can ensure uninterrupted horizontal and vertical data exchange - in other words, high-performance industrial networks.
The use and widespread implementation of Ethernet in industrial process automation has long been constrained by requirements for explosion safety, in cases where the end device was installed in an explosive zone. Until now, installing Ethernet in hazardous areas has been a difficult task in terms of ensuring continuous operation under voltage and ensuring fast and secure connectivity. At the moment there is an intrinsically safe industrial Ethernet on twisted pair at different exchange rates. SPE URANUS presented explosion-proof wired connection technology with a speed of 1 Gbit per second - Ethernet ЦПЕХ@. Ethernet ЦПЕХ@ - this is a simple and reliable last meter connection technology for hazardous production facilities. this is a simple and reliable last meter connection technology for hazardous production facilities. Now with the new intrinsically safe Ethernet ЦПЕХ@ commercial distribution of the technology for explosive zones of all classes is possible, which is able to transmit data streams based on TCP/IP protocols in packages of solutions for cloud, peripheral systems and IIoT, high-power solutions.

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